Firma R. Neumann GmbH & Co. KG została założona w 1947 roku przez mistrza rzemiosła Rudolfa Neumanna. Obecnie przedsiębiorstwo jest prowadzone w trzecim pokoleniu przez Hansa Kuttera. Produkujemy wszystkie nasze produkty samodzielnie i używamy tylko najlepszych i najwyższej jakości surowców. Naszym głównym celem jest produkcja zapięć do biżuterii oraz odpowiadającej im biżuterii modowej. Tak jak b...
La Pachira aquatica, también conocida como árbol del dinero, es una planta ornamental popular valorada por su aspecto atractivo y su asociación con la buena suerte y la fortuna en algunas culturas en las que se cree que atrae la fortuna y la riqueza, especialmente cuando se sitúa en lugares estratégicos dentro del hogar o lugar de trabajo.
La característica más distintiva de la Pachira aquatica es su tronco, que a menudo se trenza en forma de espiral. Esto se hace durante su crecimiento temprano para fortalecer el tronco. Las hojas son compuestas y digitadas, compuestas por varios folíolos de color verde brillante y con un brillo característico. Cada folíolo es ovalado o lanceolado.
En referente a los cuidados requeridos por la Pachira Aqutica, prefiere luz indirecta, riego regular y temperaturas cálidas. Es comúnmente utilizada como planta ornamental en interiores, oficinas y espacios comerciales debido a su atractivo aspecto y simbolismo asociado con la prosperidad.
Loosely inspired by Dutch chandeliers, the Bilboquet line combines the sobriety of the lines and the strength of the material with its brass or solid zinc lampshades. The light is mainly diffused downwards for a warm and cozy atmosphere. Playing with patinas allows you to associate it with a classic and elegant or resolutely contemporary universe.
This chandelier comes with chain and canopy.
Dimensions:H 30cm
Dia 65cm
Dimensions excluding chain
Raw materials:Solid brass or solid brass and solid zinc
Average production lead-time:from 6 weeks, to be confirmed when confirming the order
Number of lights:3
3X40 Watt
Norms:In accordance with local electric requirements (CE, US or others) - IP20
Class 1
Découvre les secrets de l'Egypte et fabrique une boite à secrets scarabée!
Difficulté : Facile
Âge : Dès 6 ans
Expédition sous 24 heures (hors week end)
The natural wood woman sculpture is handcrafted from solid walnut wood.
The product dimensions are 25 cm long, 15 cm wide and 107 cm high.
It is unique and has a very chic design.
You can use the sculpture as a decoration in any room.
More details:
High quality
Durable and robust
Unique design
Versatile in use
A notice:
Dimensions may vary slightly as this is a handmade product.
Item number:HY1001
Détails du produit : Statue sculpture décorative design FEMME RIGOLOTE en résine H150 cm (Multicolore)
- Cette statue sculpture est entièrement en résine et finition brillante
- Style design et contemporain
- Hauteur : 150 cm
- Outdoor / Indoor
- Finitions peintes à la main
Produit NEUF - Garantie 1 an - Commande préparée avec soin et livraison rapide, avec suivi colis (expédié généralement sous 48 à 72 heures). - Livraison au rez de chaussée. Pas de livraison ni en Corse, ni dans les îles.
En la instalación Mariposas la levedad y fugacidad de una mariposa se representa utilizando un material “psicológicamente” pesado, que es el acero. Armonía del contraste funciona también en este caso por colocar las Mariposas dentro del entorno industrial del centro comercial.
Ubicación:Futura Park, Cracovia, Polonia
Material:Acero inoxidable
Dimensiones:2,50 x 4,50 x 6,10 m
Laissezvous séduire par ces ornements en métal doré, original et moderne. Sa couleur et son style donneront un esprit luxueux et tendance à votre intérieur. Ces sculptures ne passeront pas inaperçues. N’attendez plus et craquez dès aujourd’hui !
Poids:0.210 g
Dimensions:20 × 15 × 40 cm
Atropa Belladonna – die schwarze Tollkirsche, eine der giftigsten Pflanzen Mitteleuropas, wird seit der Antike medizinisch genutzt. Die Pupillen erweiternde Wirkung der Beerenwirkstoffes Hyoscyamin prägte im Italien der Renaissance den Namen „bella donna“ (ital. „schöne Frau“).
Wie die Skulptur BRANDUNG ist auch die BELLADONNA ein Symbol für Polariträt und Spannung alles lebendigen Miteinanders.
Weight:400 Kg
Height:78.740 INCHES
Diameter:39,3701 x 39,3701 inch
Sunshine Coast florist We believe in offering only the freshest flowers, with the friendliest service, and reliable delivery. And we do this on the Sunshine Coast. Our Buderim Florist is located in the heart of the Sunshine Coast and our talented and professional team of experienced florists will listen and understand your requirements and create beautiful arrangements for any event. We put our heart and soul into every flower arrangement that leaves our store and take our job very seriously.
Metallic reflection coatings enhance reflection and are used in many optical instruments for light deflection. We coat glass, metal and plastic. The choice of coating material depends on the reflection requirements in the defined wavelength range. We use aluminium, gold, silver and chromenickel, either with or without protection coating for the VIS, UV and IR ranges.
Mezcla de aditivos, condimentos y especias, de uso charcutero, para la elaboración del producto cárnico tratado por el calor denominado “Morcilla”. Formato: bolsa 5kg
We are Zuhaus Agency - a team committed to providing high-quality, creative solutions that are tailored to your specific needs and goals through multi-channel marketing solutions, creative design, and production for your in-store and outdoor materials. We leave no stone unturned in the search for the best outcome for your project.
Our passion is reflected in the questions we ask, the strategy we create, and the final solutions we develop.
From launching a website to organizing a digital marketing campaign or designing and printing a brochure or a POSM, expert knowledge, timing, and attention to detail are essential when it comes to a finished product and the success of projects.
We have great experience in the following services:
Digital Marketing
SEOEmail MarketingSocial MediaContent CreationCommunity Management Paid MediaPaid SocialWebsite DevelopmentWeb DesignInfluencer Marketing
Traditional Marketing
Packing Solutions Digital PrintingPOSM ProductionPOSM DesignBrandingPromotional Products
We're small enough to care and big enough to deliver and you are our guest to discover more on this link:
Cuboid, overflowing with LED lighting Model HAWAII made of CORTENsteel
Ball fountain and cuboid
Standard dimensions
Delivery includes:
- fully funcional inclusive pump, assembly instruction with assembly parts
- with LED lighting in warm white
- galvanized water basin with fine woven granting (free openings <15mm) which can be buried under the ground
- for a ground-level installation is a cover necessery
- power connection with 220 V and 5m electric wire and schuko plug (type CEE 7/4)
2 sockets are required for the lighting and pump.
Tiefziehteile aus Acrylglas, Wir verarbeiten hauptsächlich folgende Thermoplaste & Thermoformteile:
Wir verformen jeden Thermoplast in jeder Dicke und jedem Format zu (fast) jeder Bauteilgeometrie von Thermoformteilen. Die Grenzen werden in erster Linie durch die weltweite Verfügbarkeit der Materialien gesetzt. Acrylgläser mit Wandstärken zwischen 30 und 1000 mm für Großaquarien, Druckscheiben und Sonderanwendungen können genauso verarbeitet werden wie 1,5 mm dünne Polycarbonate für dreidimensionale Lichtschalen mit bis zu 40 m Länge in einteiliger Ausführung, z. B. für Dachbelichtungssysteme.
Rozeta rotunda, sculptura din lemn de arbore de cauciuc, model bogat ornamentat - Rozeta rotunda, sculptura din lemn de arbore de cauciuc, model bogat ornamentat, dantelat cu finete. Este disponibil in doua dimensiuni. Poate innobila orice piesa de mobilier sau tablia usilor. De efect si ca aplica centrala sau in combinatie cu profile decorative din lemn si alte ornamente din lemn. Toate sculpturile din lemn sunt prelucrate profesional si se comercializeaza in stare naturala, finisate pentru a fi vopsite si lacuite. Se pot vopsi si lacui cu orice de tip de lac sau vopsea.
The Butterfly Illusionist is a fantastic inhabitant of the sky. It plays with its colors to create the illusion. It is never alone and his friends always accompany him. The Butterfly is ready to fly with you. All you need to do is assemble it completely.
When assembling this unique puzzle, you will meet the friends of our Butterfly Illusionist. Each piece of the puzzle reveals it as it goes. You will find dragonflies, several small butterflies, a ladybug, and other flying insects.
Our Butterfly Illusionist will allow you to spend interesting and fun time with the whole family. The moments of complicity will be there. Its decorative aspect will not leave you indifferent!
About our wooden puzzle:
Every single piece of puzzle has a unique shape that does not repeat through the set. A huge variety of shapes and colors give you memorable moments while you’re having fun with your family and friends.
Weight:0,509 kg
Il ferma-anta brevettato è una novità destinata a rivoluzionare il mercato del settore. E’ l’unico ferma anta ad agire indifferentemente sull’aletta di battuta dell’anta, sul montante o sulla doppia anta avendo una regolazione millimetrica che va da 0 a 124 mm, grazie all’inserimento di apposite prolunghe.
I materiali di costruzione, sono stati ampiamente testati da laboratori specializzati, così come il meccanismo di funzionamento. La severità dei collaudi ci permette di offrirvi un prodotto duraturo ed affidabile.
Un prodotto firmato Tecnometalsystem.
Plant with large clumps of strap-shaped purple leaves. It produces panicles of tubular white or pale pink flowers. Flowering is uncommon when planted in a container or in an area where the winter is very cold.
Hochwertige Digitalisierung und Reproduktion Ihrer Bildmotive in fast allen Formaten
Wir erstellen Digitalisierungen und Reproduktionen Ihrer Bildmotive in fast allen Formaten, von Gemälden und Illustrationen über Plakate und Drucke bis hin zu Großfotos und Grafiken!
Créée en 2021 et implantée en région Parisienne, notre société est dirigée par M. Malhache Bruno vrai passionné et fort de son expérience de plus de 25 ans acquise dans le domaine de l’ornementation métallique en qualité de dessinateur bureau d’étude, chargé d’étude en ornementation, Responsable Technico- Commercial.
Son parcours apporte une vraie maitrise technique dans le domaine de l’ornementation et une réelle connaissance du marché.
Notre équipe est spécialement composé d’ornemanistes confirmés et sont heureux de partager leurs passions et savoir-faire uniques.
En utilisant les panneaux de type Some Lamanta à côté du modèle Persée, nous créons un mélange de styles agréable. Le travail d’opacité et de transparence permet de laisser transparaître le bleu en arrière plan tout en maintenant la présence forte de la couleur thermolaquée simili laiton. Les tôle écailles donnent du rythme à la décoration en jouant avec la lumière qui scintille d’un côté ou de l’autre en fonction de la réflexion de la lumière sur les facettes de métal. Les grilles moucharabieh de teinte dorée contrastent bien avec le bleu foncé de ce restaurant Parisien.
A large number of contemporary architectural projects feature the Bellecour Collection, shining the spotlight on this new classic. This transparent and understated style also pairs beautifully with more traditional even antique buildings, instilling them with a contemporary touch! Very beautiful light bulb required!
Dimensions:H 30cm x W 13cm
D 16cm
Raw materials:Solid brass or solid brass and solid zinc
Average production lead-time:from 6 weeks, to be confirmed when confirming the order
Number of lights:1
75 Watt
Norms:In accordance with local electric requirements (CE, US or others) - IP23
Class 1